Blog Post

5 Reasons To Get Your Overbite Fixed

  • By Sergio Jacas
  • 16 May, 2023

An overbite is a type of malocclusion, or misalignment of teeth, where the upper front teeth protrude outwards exaggeratedly. This can be caused by genetics, thumb-sucking, or other habits that cause the jaws to develop differently.

Overbites can lead to speech impediments and difficulty chewing food properly. Fortunately for those with an overbite, a dentist in Sunrise, FL, has treatments available to help correct this issue. In more severe cases, these treatments include braces, spacers, and jaw realignment surgery.

Here are problems you can avoid by getting your overbite fixed.

Give Your Self-Confidence a Boost

Having an overbite can negatively affect your confidence and self-image. If you don't have the perfect smile, it can be hard to feel good about yourself in social situations or when taking pictures. Fixing your overbite can improve your look and boost your self-confidence.

Avoid Speech Impediments

Having an overbite can cause a lisp or other speech impediments, making it hard to communicate with others. By receiving treatment for your overbite, you can speak clearly and confidently without worrying about your speech being affected.

The first step in addressing your overbite is booking an appointment with a dentist in Sunrise, FL. The team at Jacas Family Dental can help you explore the treatment options for your overbite. With our help, you can improve your smile.

Lower The Risk of Gum Disease and Cavities

Having an overbite can increase your risk of gum disease, tooth decay, and cavities due to the misalignment of teeth. When teeth are not correctly aligned, brushing and flossing between them can be difficult.

As a result, bacteria that lead to gum disease, tooth decay, and cavities can build up in the hard-to-reach areas of your mouth. You can reduce your risk of developing these dental health issues by fixing your overbite.

Enhance Your Facial Structure

Getting your overbite fixed can help enhance your facial structure and give you a more balanced look. Treatment options such as braces and jaw realignment surgery can be used to correctly align the upper and lower jaws, providing a more symmetrical and proportionate appearance.

With treatment, you can enjoy a balanced smile that improves the look of your face, making it easy to feel confident in your overall appearance.

If you're looking to get an overbite fixed, Jacas Family Dental is here to help. Our team can provide the care and treatment needed to correct your overbite, giving you a more balanced look and improved confidence.

Better Chewing Efficiency

When you have an overbite, it can cause your teeth to be misaligned and affect your ability to chew efficiently. This will strain your jaw joint and headaches, earaches, and neck pain.

Addressing the overbite with braces or jaw realignment surgery can increase your chewing efficiency and reduce the strain on your jaw joint. This can help alleviate any you are experiencing due to misalignment of your teeth.

Book an Appointment With a Dentist in Sunrise, FL!

If you're tired of dealing with the problems caused by an overbite, it's time to do something about it. The first step is scheduling an appointment with a dentist in Sunrise, FL!
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